
货号: ZL-OVA961

规格: 2张/套

保存: 室温保存

项目: 技术服务
¥ 1980.00




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2:APRIL promotes non-small cell lung cancer growth and metastasis by targeting ERK1/2 signaling

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3:Knockdown of SALL4 inhibits the proliferation, migration, and invasion of human lung cancer cells in vivo and in vitro

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4:NF90 stabilizes cyclin E1 mRNA through phosphorylation of NF90-Ser382 by CDK2

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5:LncRNA AY promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by stimulating ITGAV transcription

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6:Type Iγ phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase promotes tumor growth by facilitating Warburg effect in colorectal cancer

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7:STC2 overexpression mediated by HMGA2 is a biomarker for aggressiveness of high-grade serous ovarian cancer

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8:p97/VCP is highly expressed in the stem-like cells of breast cancer and controls cancer stemness partly through the unfolded protein response

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